Styrax japonicus/ Japanese snowbell 4seeds - S. japonica is an elegant medium-sized deciduous tree with spreading branches with finely-pointed ovate leaves turning yellow and orange in autumn. Bell-shaped white flowers 15mm in width, with yellow stamens, borne in profusion beneath the branches.

How to Plant Bonsai Seeds?

Select a planting container to plant the bonsai seeds. Some people favour a pot, while others like to use a starter or seed tray. If you use a tray, your seedlings need to be moved to a deeper container when they sprout. Ensure the container is not much small, or it will require you to re-pot multiple times if the seedlings thrive. The pot should have many proper drainage holes to save the roots from rotting. Shelter the bottom of the container with good sand or gravel to allow for good drainage. Fill the container with a suitable potting bonsai or compost soil for about ¾ inch to 1 inch under the rim. Make sure to pick rich nutrient soil as your seedling will require plenty of nutrition after sprouting. Pat down the soil lightly to make sure that it is settled but not too compact. Utilize a chopstick or your finger to create shallow holes to place the seeds. Ensure you do not sow the seeds too close to one another, or they will be overcrowded when they germinate. Put a thin layer of bonsai soil over the seeds. This layer should not be more than ½ inch to 1-inch-thick, which depends on the size of the seeds you have planted. Sowing the seeds too deep can prevent the germination process. Water the seeds carefully and make sure you do not disturb the roots. Some people like to use a spray bottle for this task rather than just pouring the water directly. Keep the container outside to let the seeds germinate naturally. Also, you can place it in a good-ventilated location that has minimal direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist but not completely wet. Avoid keeping the soil dry out because of water shortage. If the pot is outside, you can expect the seeds to germinate naturally and sprout in early spring. However, if you grow these bonsai seeds indoors, you must wait four weeks after planting to see sprouts. Start fertilizing for about 5 to 6 weeks after the sprouts show up; you can use a diluted solution to burn the young root systems. After the first year, you can separate the seedlings and move them to their pots. Overall, it will take about three years before your small trees are ready for training. Growing bonsai from its seeds is a very good beneficial experience if you have the time and patience.

Choose A Pot Before Growing from Seed

A large part of practising a bonsai tree is you need to pick the right container or pot. Some people choose with their gut feeling, but this process is difficult for beginners. So here are some basic rules you need to follow before getting a pot.

Masculine or feminine:

You should first decide if your tree is masculine or feminine. Some symbols that can help you along the way are the curves, grace, smooth bark, and sparse branches are known as feminine. On the other hand, masculine traits are strength, old bark, deadwood, thick trunk, and dense branches.


The pot should be of a similar height as the trunk is wide above the nebari. Oval and rectangular pots are mainly 2/3 of the height of the tree. Round and square pots are 1/3 the height of the tree.


The pot’s design should match your tree. The closer your pick, the close you will get to the final bonsai. Think about the structure like concave, convex, angular, round, oval, and rectangular, then determine the tree’s degree of feminine and masculine and then adjust the pot’s design. 

Final Thoughts on Growing Bonsai from Seed

The bonsai tree is an art and labour of love that needs patience and dedication on your part. However, I have explained the details you need to know about growing a beautiful bonsai as a beginner. If you fail on the first attempt, don’t lose hope; try again. As it needs some time to learn about it and the beautiful result of your bonsai care is well worth it.

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